Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's still January, but the days are getting longer

Since my last post things have changed on the political and personal fronts. Obama and Huckabee are no longer shoe ins and the cancer has returned but this time they caught it before it has spread (they hope). I managed to shove the cancer out of my mind after the biopsy but the thought was still there so when the results came back, it all came on with the strength of a flood. Getting that diagnosis the second time was definitely worse than the first. The first time you don't know what's coming at you, the second time your imagination expands on the memory.

So now, I will just wait for the surgery and just go on day by day which is all any of us can do.

Went for a walk this morning and the day was still gray--it's amazing that in this part of the country at this time of the year how dominant gray is. The sky and the horizon all seem to blend into one monochromatic--this morning there was a light frost that layered itself over everything so that it was hard to see where the sky started and the horizon ended. Edwin Teale, the naturalist wrote a book titled "Walking Through Winter", so I've made up my mind that this is just another winter to walk through and observe, while all the time counting down the days til spring.

There was only one deer this morning, down by the bridge. Thankfully, she decided to run back into the woods instead of trying to cross the road. I could hear the chickadees and cardinals starting to chip chip in the brush but no one was coming out in the open. No hawks, no sleepy owls only a squirrel who was still active in the oak tree outside the apartment window. I miss having a bird feeder. It would be nice to be able to watch all those little lives again--the minor skirmishes and the stoic wisdom of enduring the bad days and the sheer pleasure a ray of sun can bring.

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